Translation of Financial Derivatives Contracts

Client: A Leading Global Bank

Project Overview: We were engaged by a top global bank to translate a series of financial derivatives contracts from English to Chinese. These contracts involved complex financial instruments and required precise translation to ensure compliance with both international and local regulations.


  • Complex Financial Terminology: The contracts contained sophisticated financial terms and concepts that needed to be accurately translated without losing the nuances of the original language.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The translation needed to reflect the specific regulatory requirements of the Chinese market while maintaining the integrity of the original contracts.


  • Financial Experts: We assigned the project to translators with a strong background in finance and experience in translating complex financial documents, ensuring that the terminology was accurately translated.
  • Compliance-Focused Review: A detailed review was conducted to ensure that the translations met all relevant regulatory requirements and were aligned with the bank’s compliance standards.

Outcome: The translations were delivered on time and exceeded the client’s expectations. The client highlighted our deep understanding of financial terminology and our ability to deliver high-quality translations under tight deadlines.

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