Translation of Corporate Governance Documents

Client: A Leading Multinational Corporation

Project Overview: We were tasked with translating a series of corporate governance documents from Chinese to English for a leading multinational corporation. The documents included board meeting minutes, shareholder agreements, and corporate policies.


  • Legal Precision: The documents required a high level of accuracy in the translation of legal language to ensure that the corporate governance structures were clearly understood and complied with.
  • Confidentiality: The translation needed to be handled with the utmost confidentiality, given the sensitive nature of the documents.


  • Experienced Legal Translators: The project was assigned to translators with expertise in corporate law, ensuring that the legal terminology was accurately translated.
  • Confidentiality Protocols: Strict confidentiality protocols were followed throughout the translation process to protect the client’s sensitive information.

Outcome: The client was extremely satisfied with the quality and confidentiality of the translations. They praised our ability to handle sensitive legal documents with precision and professionalism.