Multilingual Arbitration Rules Translation

Client: A Prominent Chinese Arbitration Commission

Project Overview: We were tasked with translating the Chinese Arbitration Rules into five different languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic. Due to the importance of these rules, the client arranged for arbitration experts to review the English version line by line before proceeding with the other languages.


  • Detailed Expert Review: After the first review, the client provided 29 detailed comments, covering issues such as sentence structure, the selection of arbitration-specific terminology, and the positioning of adverbial clauses.
  • Multilingual Consistency: Ensuring that the nuances of the original Chinese text were accurately conveyed across all five languages required careful attention to detail, especially in languages with different syntactic structures.


  • Thorough Analysis and Feedback: Our team conducted an in-depth analysis of the client’s feedback, addressing each point carefully to ensure that the translated text met the client’s expectations.
  • Expert Native Translators: We assigned native-speaking translators who specialized in legal documents to handle the translations into the other languages, ensuring that the text remained accurate and culturally appropriate.

Outcome: The client’s feedback was fully incorporated into the final English translation, and the other language versions were completed without any further issues. The client was highly impressed with our professionalism and efficiency, expressing deep satisfaction with the final product.

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