Project Portfolio

Securities Filings Translation

Client: Hong Kong Financial Institution Language Pair: Chinese to French Document Type: Securities Filings Industry: Finance Project Scope: Translated securities filings for operations in French-speaking markets. Key Challenges: Outcome: Provided translations that supported the client’s financial reporting and compliance efforts, ensuring legal compliance in French-speaking markets.

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Real Estate Feasibility Studies Translation

Client: Indonesian Property Developer Language Pair: Indonesian to Chinese Document Type: Feasibility Studies Industry: Real Estate Project Scope: Translated real estate feasibility studies for projects in China. Key Challenges: Outcome: Delivered translations that supported the client’s project planning and development efforts, ensuring compliance and project success in China.

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Cross-Border Taxation Reports Translation

Client: Singaporean Financial Services Firm Language Pair: English to Chinese Document Type: Taxation Reports Industry: Finance Project Scope: Translated cross-border taxation reports for Chinese clients. Key Challenges: Outcome: Provided translations that supported the client’s tax advisory services, ensuring compliance and financial success for Chinese clients.

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Anti-Corruption Policies Translation

Client: German Manufacturing Company Language Pair: German to Chinese Document Type: Anti-Corruption Policies Industry: Manufacturing Project Scope: Translated anti-corruption policies for Chinese subsidiaries. Key Challenges: Outcome: Delivered translations that supported the client’s compliance efforts, ensuring smooth and ethical operations in China.

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