quamdiu bene se gesserint (kwam-dee-yoo bee-nee see jes-[schwa]r-int). [Law Latin] As long as they shall conduct themselves properly. ? This term refers to the holding of an office, specif. the Act of Settlement, 1700, ch. 2, which provided that a judge’s tenure was no longer at the king’s pleasure, but could continue until death or improper conduct. This protected judges against arbitrary dismissal. The singular form is quamdiu se bene gesserit ¡°as long as he behaves himself properly.¡± ¡ª Also written quamdiu se bene gesserint. Cf. GOOD BEHAVIOR; DURANTE BENE PLACITO; DUM SE BENE.

¡°But at present, by the long and uniform usage of many ages, our kings have delegated their whole judicial power to the judges of their several courts …. And, in order to maintain both the dignity and independence of the judges in the superior courts, it is enacted by the statute 13 W. III. c.2 that their commissions shall be made (not as formerly, durante bene placito, but) quamdiu bene se gesserint, and their salaries ascertained and established; but that it may be lawful to remove them on the address of both houses of parliament.¡± 1 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England 267 (1765).

What is the Chinese interpretation of QUAMDIU BENE SE GESSERINT?
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