persona standi in judicio (p[schwa]r-soh-n[schwa] stan-dI in joo-dish-ee-oh). [Law Latin]

1. Capacity of standing in judgment; the right to appear in court.

2. One with personal standing to vindicate a legal right.

¡°What persona standi is, may be more easily learned by considering the loss of it by civil death or outlawry …. But there are others besides outlaws who have no persona standi. A pupil cannot pursue or defend; that must be done by his tutor in his name. And companies, as such, have not a persona standi….Persona standi applies to the status of the person, as qualified to pursue or defend in actions generally; title to pursue applies to particular actions, and requires, in addition to a persona standi, that the party have a proper legal interest in the particular action pursued or defended.¡± William Bell, Bell’s Dictionary and Digest of the Law of Scotland 800 (George Watson ed., 7th ed. 1890).

What is the legal translation of PERSONA STANDI IN JUDICIO in Chinese?
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